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Title IX

From the Title IX Coordinator

Hello Lancers!

I am Carrie Yocum, your Title IX Coordinator. I am committed to helping you connect to the resources and support you need as we continue to work toward a culture of respect and caring compliance at ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV College.

I am a social worker by education and worked in community mental health before coming to ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV as a social work educator. In my role, I help people navigate the Title IX process when there is a concern about harassment. I can also help in other situations of disrespect – all so we have a safe campus that supports learning and is free from harassment.

If something happens and you would like to talk, please know I am here to listen and support you.

Carrie Yoccum

Title IX Coordinator

McClain 102
Phone: 574-372-5100 x6491

What is Title IX?

Title IX protects people from sex-based discrimination in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance.Ìý

It is important because it requires schools like ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV to have processes, procedures, and personnel to respond to complaints of discrimination, harassment, and violence.

The Title IX Coordinator’s role is to:

  • Receive reports of sex-based discrimination.
  • Oversee compliance with Title IX.
  • Provide education on Title IX topics.

Pregnancy and Pregnancy-Related ConditionsÌý

As part of the protections provided by Title IX,ÌýÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñAV College is committed to creating and maintaining a communityÌýin which all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex or gender related to a student’s actual or potential parental status. We want to ensure the protection and equal treatment of those who are pregnant or have pregnancy-related conditions, and who areÌýnew parents.